My main purpose in life is to share the good news of Jesus Christ; so, my
time, my tithe, and my main focus is toward the body of Christ—the church.
Yet I also recognize that there are some incredible godly organizations who
are making a big difference in the lives of others and I want to make sure
that I am supporting and encouraging them as well.
My book, Where Have You Seen God?, mentions four of the ministries/charities in
which I am involved. I wanted to let you know that the proceeds from the
sale of this book will help support these organizations. I encourage you to
check them out and find if there are ways that you can be involved to
support their missions to make a difference in this world.
Remember, you are blessed to be a blessing.
"Share the talents and resources that God has given
you and I know you will definitely see God moving in a mighty way."
2 Corinthians 9:11
Mentioned Ministries

From Divine Encounter 39
From Killing Fields to New Life
Heart for Cambodia exists to spread the gospel of Jesus’ love to
the people of Cambodia. Many in Cambodia have never even
heard of Jesus Christ. Through this ministry the message is being
shared to change lives, and churches are being planted to trans-
form communities.
Hearts for Cambodia Contact: Rev. Chiv In
Website: www.heartforcambodia.org

From Divine Encounters 40, 41, and 42
Baptizing in India, New Eyes to See God, and God Knows the Depth
Faith Hope and Charities Ministry is a nonprofit Christian min-
istry based in Dallas, Texas, USA, catering to the needs of village
pastors and orphan children in Nellore, Andra Pradesh, South
India. My Father’s House Orphanage is under the umbrella of
Faith Hope and Charity Ministries.
Contact: Luke and Kasthuri Raju
Website: www.fhcmindia.com

From Divine Encounter 45
Faith Pointing
High Rise Day Habilitation Center is loving place where adults with developmental and
intellectual challenges can participate in daily activities that encourage the development
of skills and appropriate behavior, greater independence, community inclusion,
relationship building, and self-advocacy.
Website: www/highrisedayhab.org

From Divine Encounter 29
A Precious Gift
COTA is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to raising money for transplant-
related expenses for children and young adults.
Website: www.cota.org
Keva has loved getting to minister around the world and has been blessed to experience some of the most amazing people!